Well, now I've done it. It's high time I get the opportunity to tryout for cheerleading. We have lived and breathed it for most of our lives and now I'm finally getting my opportunity to further my cheering at Kindly. I'm really nervous and excited about this! And I hope with my application and pictures I'm really showing my best!
Saving a copy of my pictures and application here until I can add it to my scrap book.
Name: Rosie Shark
SL Age: 18
Other clubs at KSU you're a member of:
*none yet! But I hope to join the drama club and one day I'll get my nerve up to pledge Delta!
Why do you want to be a KSU cheerleader?
*Because cheer=LIFE :D Plus, I rock it with the pom poms! I want to make magic happen and be a part of an award-winning team! I see cheer as my way of getting though to all our fellow students... bringing spirit, fun, and passion to those who are bleh. Oh, and helping inspire our athletes to achieve great victories through the cadence of yelling voices and the wearing of short skirts.
Why would you be an asset to our squad?
*I'm dedicated and love anything to do with a team. I may not have the availabilty to be on as much at the right times as other girls, but what I lack in scheduling flexibility, I more than make up for in S-P-U-N-K! :D I've had extensive cheer experience, after convincing my mom at an early age that I didn't want to be a part of the child beauty pageant scene. Four years of cheer at Laguna Beach High School in California polished off my already superb cheer skills and I learned not only to live CHEER, but to love it! I bring my enthusiasm and my skill, as well as my superb balance, my ability to work as part of a team, and my sparkling white smile!
If accepted to the squad you would need to purchase a 500L cheer hud, as well as hair and shoes if you did not have any that met our requirements. Would this be a problem?
*Not at all. Prolly have enough hair that would be sufficient! Haha.
Picture time! We all know cheerleaders gotta be cute so send us your three best photos!

**I'm also sending you a copy of my certificate from Woodward West!
Thank you for your consideration :) I am currently working hard practicing so I will be able to do my best at tryouts!