Friday, November 2, 2007

Rosie's Diaries: Living the Dream

Well, now I've done it. It's high time I get the opportunity to tryout for cheerleading. We have lived and breathed it for most of our lives and now I'm finally getting my opportunity to further my cheering at Kindly. I'm really nervous and excited about this! And I hope with my application and pictures I'm really showing my best!

Saving a copy of my pictures and application here until I can add it to my scrap book.

Name: Rosie Shark

SL Age: 18

Other clubs at KSU you're a member of:
*none yet! But I hope to join the drama club and one day I'll get my nerve up to pledge Delta!

Why do you want to be a KSU cheerleader?
*Because cheer=LIFE :D Plus, I rock it with the pom poms! I want to make magic happen and be a part of an award-winning team! I see cheer as my way of getting though to all our fellow students... bringing spirit, fun, and passion to those who are bleh. Oh, and helping inspire our athletes to achieve great victories through the cadence of yelling voices and the wearing of short skirts.

Why would you be an asset to our squad?
*I'm dedicated and love anything to do with a team. I may not have the availabilty to be on as much at the right times as other girls, but what I lack in scheduling flexibility, I more than make up for in S-P-U-N-K! :D I've had extensive cheer experience, after convincing my mom at an early age that I didn't want to be a part of the child beauty pageant scene. Four years of cheer at Laguna Beach High School in California polished off my already superb cheer skills and I learned not only to live CHEER, but to love it! I bring my enthusiasm and my skill, as well as my superb balance, my ability to work as part of a team, and my sparkling white smile!

If accepted to the squad you would need to purchase a 500L cheer hud, as well as hair and shoes if you did not have any that met our requirements. Would this be a problem?
*Not at all. Prolly have enough hair that would be sufficient! Haha.

Picture time! We all know cheerleaders gotta be cute so send us your three best photos!

**I'm also sending you a copy of my certificate from Woodward West!

Thank you for your consideration :) I am currently working hard practicing so I will be able to do my best at tryouts!


Arwen Hykova took a deep breath of the night air and exhaled happily. Autumn in Kindly. The air was fresh, the grass was growing - and the fraternity were hunting.

Then again, they never really do stop hunting, do they? Its not like they have game wardens or anything ....

"Now theres a job I'd like to see, " she muttered, turning the corner and walking down a side street. "I'm sorry, frat boy but your permits expired. Oh, yeah gotta remember that line."

The light from the streetlights overhead was barely enough to cut the shadows, but she moved with perfect confidence. Muggers were not high up on Arwen Hykova's list of Things to Worry About.

Top of the list at that precise moment was how she was going to explain to her parents that she'd got yet another F. Arwen knew that she'd studied for that exam, but the knowledge had left her, and now she was paying the price. "Another evening spent with my nose in the books" She sighed turning the corner that lead to the library.

The streets of the campus were deserted, as the student body were all gathered in the main events hall, watching and competing for a place amongst the soccer team. As she passed the arts centre she noticed painting on the wall a graffiti tag belonging to the small time gang at KSU. "Vandals", she cursed under her breath as she rolled her eyes and carried on walking, making a mental note to report it to the administration.

A gust of biting wind hit Arwen as she approached the library, huddling under her jacket , she sighed and wished she could be back home in front of a fire. Lifting her satchel back onto her shoulder she muttered "Just call me study girl"

Arwen pushed open the heavy wooden doors that lead to the library building and walked along the corridor towards the book stacks. A faint sound drifted along the corridor, pushing her shoulders back and regrouping her senses, she approached the source.

As with most libraries, its was usually abandoned, so to find a presence there was unusual. Moving slowly towards the source, being careful not to alert her presence, she spotted a stranger hunched over a pile of books. She hadn't seen him in her part of town before, but she was in need of company, and her spidey senses weren't tingling of danger.

"Are all women on campus as good looking as you" said the stranger with a laughing tone in his voice. "Are all boys pickup lines as bad as yours?" I zinged back. The stranger laughed and introduced himself "Hi, I'm Oz, I'm new to Kindly State, I arrived last night"

"Arwen" I said introducing myself, while sneaking glances at the newcomer. He was cute, if you like the tall dark and handsome type, I'd have to remember to get his number.

"How long have you been at KSU" Oz asked making small talk. "Since the semester started" I replied, before offering to give him the ten cent tour. As we set off on our magical mystery tour, him trying to hide the fact that his gaze kept straying to my butt and me pretending not to notice. We stopped in the campus cafe, with him stopped just before rushing into me. "I wasn't staring at your butt" Oz said before lowering his gaze to the floor. I smirked and made a mental note to buy more skintight jeans.

As we continued our journey, i briefed Oz on the rules of campus life, both socially and in regard to dorm room regulations. My cell phone rang just as we reached Nicolos pizzeria. It was my aunt Shadee, manager of a club just outside of town called Club Lust. She requested my presence urgently.

I sighed before telling Oz that I had to leave, but promising to resume the tour at a later date, before scribbling my number on a piece of paper and passing it to him before sprinting to the car park where my bike was stored. As i sped away from KSU, i wondered what was so urgent that it required me leaving, Mr tall dark and broody so quickly.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Who doesn't love a soccer boy?

So soccer tryouts were today so of course me and the Deltas had to go cheer on our favorite hot sweaty boys (and gorgeous looking sisters that barely broke a sweat!) It was a lot of fun, although Sy was getting seriously stressed. I sympathized, but it seemed like he was being a little rude to the tryouts.

I went to Armidi today and seriously dropped like 2K. I love that store so much and can't wait to wear everything around! Hopefully I can become a customer rep there because I can't keep spending this much money on one store!

Arwens Diaries: Dancing through life

Dear Diary

During the whole of mankind's existence, there has been one thing that has caused wars, healed friendships, and caused black eyes. During the Trojan war, the Greeks hid in one made of wood during the Trojan war...

This item of course are breasts.. Okay, so the Greeks didn't hide inside a giant pair of wooden breasts .. except for in this one movie i saw, but it was 3am, i was flicking through the TV channels and it looked interesting.

Which leads me nicely onto today's topic for my diary, and ties in nicely with the Greeks.

Today had two special events happening, first was Halloween of course, which was fun, i went as a phoenix first, and then transformed into a demon as a later costume.

The second event was the dance team tryouts. The quad was packed with hopefuls, desperately seeking a place amongst the dance squad, and the mating call was deafening in the concrete jungle of KSU. Although places were limited and there were sure to be disappointed faces.

The fraternity boys arrived in their droves, as they prepared to watch over the rising and falling over the silicon seas (and B's and D's), and to drown in their own drool.

I'll write more on the topic of the dance team tryouts, once i gather more facts, and possibility photos.

KSU has hired a new professor, He's teaching music theory and practice. The professors name was Ryu. I'm really happy that campus is finally offering a subject where i can put my heart and soul, and really enjoy.

I'm leaning towards music being my major at KSU, with the possibility of history or metaphysics being my minor.

Professor Ryu, is really great, even with all the disruptions to his class, with all the students turning up late throughout the hour. The music class lasts between two to three hours in total, and we learned a lot.

There were a lot of disruptions to the class, with people turning up late, and the frat guys, and sorority airheads disrupting class, with their "like I'm so bored" attitudes!

Although I'm also guilty of disrupting class, as i spent two hours in a bath of red paint to complete my devils costume.. which i think is going to take about two weeks to come off (.. note to self, if your going to bathe in paint, make sure its body paint, not for walls...)

I also learned that when the professor is trying hard not to laugh at one of my random comments or jokes, he turns a pretty shade of blue. Kinda like a smurf, only cuter and taller.

For next weeks class I'm going to be more prepared and turn up early, since this is one class i don't want to be kicked out of. I also set the professor the task of working out what note timing the snoopy dance has. As well as suggesting that for a Christmas production, we could team up with the dance squad. Music class can play, and we can stick the airheads in snoopy costumes and make them dance.

Arwen Hykova

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Arwens Diaries: The blonde gene

Dear Diary

Today was the day, that the world stood still and all that we knew and believed in, changed forever.. Elephants took to the skies, Monkeys swam the seas... and I signed up to tryout for the cheer leading squad at KSU.

Today is the day my life changes forever, black comes pink, daggers become pom poms, and every other sentence has the word "Like" in it... Although the main reason for me signing up for cheer leading, is because Alex is captain, so it should be fun being part of something that's not dramarific.

Something really interesting happened today though, There is this guy on campus called Perks, who i originally classed to be an egotistical jerk, based on how he acted the first week of college, but we actually had a real conversation, and it turns out that his sister, knows my sister. We were joking about our motorcycles and racing outfits, and he said his outfit was better, but i replied mines on a better model.

Today's Halloween, my favorite holiday of the year, and the whole day on campus will be full of people in costumes, that should allow me around 20 outfit changes, on a normal day, i might only change five or six times.

Health wise, my headaches are still no better, I found myself passed out on my dorm room floor last night, after I'd gone to fetch a notebook for arts class. I'm going to have to see somebody about these if it gets worse or more frequent. Maybe it'll explain why I've been a space case lately though.

I'll write more about my cheer leading tryouts once they happen, since the applications close Friday. although with there only being 10 places, and about 30 people have applied, i don't hold much hope, since if its anything like high school, the populars will get placed.

Signing off with a Rah Rah Rah


Addition to entry: marked 31/10/07

Just recieved word of new classes being offered on campus in music and music theory. Finally something i can get out of college. Time to dust off my guitar, tune my piano and drain my flute, because its showtime!

JellyBean's Diaries: Hello Again

Hello again my diary...
I know it's been a few days since I wrote last. It's been busy, and a lot of things have happened. For one work has been crazy, and trying to fit in class time has been just as crazy, plus Hawks & I have been partnered on a school project. I'm still trying to balance both schedules. In the midst of the craziness...

Hawks officially asked me to be his girl the other day. Of course I accepted. Working on the project has helped us to get closer & I couldn't be happier. He's a great guy & he makes me smile... a lot. So yay for all that.

Today was the first Visual Arts class of the semester with Professor Meriman. It was awesome. I feel I'll get a lot of out this class. Not only will we be learning how to film, but also lighting effects, angles, animation making, etc. I was so lucky to be able to cater my classes to my goals. I definitely wanna be a drama major. I have big hopes & dreams of becoming a famous SLactress that also writes, produces, directs & stars in her own films kind of like Kevin Smith & Quentin Tarantino. It could happen.

I also met up with Professor Burgess today who will be teaching the Creative Writing course. When all of this comes together I'm sure I'll be writing the scripts for my own independent films as well.

The Cheer & Dance teams are starting to form. I know Rosie really wants to try-out. In high school it's what we did... We lived & breathed Cheerleading. The majority of our summers were spent at World-renown Woodward West. Ah I miss those days. Anywho, I'm not so sure I can fit cheer in my schedule.

I am seriously thinking of starting something if I can fit it into my schedule so that we can have at least one extra curricular activity that isn't ran by a greek house. Wish me luck :)

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Alexandrea's Diaries: Calling all Cheerleaders!

So college has been crazy! I was so nervous the first day I wouldn't make any friends or it'd be boring. OMG was I wrong! I have met some of the coolest people ever, and am having a blast! Rushing delta was a great experience. I got to dress up like a man, go on a panty hunt, write a poem, wear a fat suit, and go to my first toga party! The best part of it was becoming a Delta and meeting all my new amazing sisters!

Yesterday Berta sent out an notice asking if any Delta wanted to be co-captain of the cheerleading team, and being the ball of energy that I am, agreed. Iris Seale and myself (see picture above) are the official KSU Cheer Captains, and I am so excited! We're actually at a board meeting now which I probably should be paying attention to but oh well... ;p

We're getting the group together and trying to make cheers and uniforms. There's supposed to be like ten spots on the squad, but twenty-eight people have already signed up, and I'm friends with a lot of them. It's gonna make cutting so hard. :/ Our uniforms are looking good but my sis said my boobs look saggy in the top so I'm just like O.o! I'll upload pics and ask for opinions next time ;p

Okay I'm missing like all of the meeting and that's kinda bad. If anyone wants to tryout for cheerleading IM me before Friday!

<3 Alex

Arwens Diaries: Drama goes to college

Entry Date: 30/10/07
Feeling: Sick
Mood: Cranky.

Dear Diary

The atmosphere at college is thick with tension and bitchiness. You can walk across campus and see scenes that belong in Beverly Hills 90210 or Popular. I think the cafeteria needs to stop serving quakers insta-bitch for breakfast.

Had a good time at the pizzaria this evening, it was full when i clocked in for my shift, so i rushed around taking everyones orders, although i'm still pretty much a space case, i dont know whats wrong with me lately, but i dont seem to be able to think straight.

Once the rush had died down, i pulled out my guitar from behind the counter where i keep it for quiet moments, and played a duet with the tappa president gryff.

I got a wicked idea, and told him to take over the music, i then proceeded to climb up onto the counter and do a dance routine straight out of the coyote ugly movie, which reminds me, i really need to research how to do that dance!

My new friend Alex was there, and we were talking about the dance team and cheerleading squad. and i said that i was interested in joining the cheerleading team, should be fun and i love to dance.

I was going to sign up for the dance team, but The vice president of the Sorority house, is also the co-captain of the dance team. She was in the pizzaria this evening, and i swear, shes totally the face of the insta-bitch cereal commercials.

I'm going to close this entry here, since i'm seeing stars and my heads about to explode.

Bells Diaries - Delta Sister

Sunday night was the end of rush week; and The Kappas threw a party to mark the event, in true Greek style. Thankfully the Deltas gave out togas to the pledges so I didn't have the need to go to the Campus store and pick up one that was on sale. After getting dressed I left my dorm room and made way down to the Kappa house. I was kinda nervous about entering the party. Tonight was the night that the new Delta Sisters and Kappas would be announced. I paced in front of the house before I finally had enough nerve to walk in. The entire room was covered with people dancing, and drinking, I might have joined in on the drinking but I was way too nervous. I danced and waited until the big moment of the night. There in the middle of the Kappa house, two signs were posted with the names of the new Kappas and Deltas. I scanned the sign and to my surprise My name was listed. I am a Delta sister!!!! I am honored and extremely excited to be a part of this sorority. I only hope I can live up to the Delta standards. Time to call mom and dad and tell them the good news. I bet mom will be thrilled....Dad on the other hand is going to worry about those frat boys. :)

Monday, October 29, 2007

Aly's Diaries: Where Did the Weekend Go?

I've been informed it's Monday which leaves me wondering what the hell happened to the weekend? The last thing I remember is heading out of my dorm room in search of trouble. Ummm, I mean fun. Next thing I know I'm waking up in my bed (at least it wasn't a stranger's bed) wondering what day it is and when in the world did I get this tattoo? Who is Matt anyway? And who in the hell let me tat a guys name on my body? My parents are going to kill me!

Now I wonder where My Rosie was during all of this. It's her job to keep me out of trouble. How dare she fail me. RoooOOOoooooSSSiiieeeee I need you to keep me from self destructing!

Alright, I'm off in search of fluids, for some reason I'm soooo thirsty.

Arwens Diaries: Letter Home


Dear Mom and Dad.

Its my second week at KSU and I've been having such a great time, what little of it i can remember.

Theres lots of extra curricular activites on campus, such as beer drinking competitions, table dancing and partying. We're also having the occasional class, at the moment I'm studying Sociology and Beginners Italian.

Remember the money you sent me off with, to pay for dorm room rental, supplies and general living expenses .. I bought a motorcycle with it. I'm now working in the campus Pizzaria in order to pay for my room and board. Please send more money.

The campus site is huge, and has two houses on it, as well as main dorm rooms. One house belongs to the Sorority, it resembles Barbies dream house except more pink. The other house belongs to the Fraternity guys, and this house looks like it came straight from the set of "Animal House"

I've pledged a third group which has appeared on campus called Tappa Lotta Asses, this it appears is a parody of the kappa fraternity.

---- Remembers the warning her father gave her about the convent and tears the page out of her journal and screws it up into a ball before penning a new letter ----

Dear Mom and Dad

Life here at KSU is great. The classes are really interesting and i'm learning lots. I'm heeding your warning father, and am staying away from the boys of KSU, as i won't date until i'm married.

All my time outside of classes is spent studying, and i'm sure to recieve the highest marks.

I've spent the money you sent me to college with, on ankle length skirts and long sleeved baggy sweaters. It appears that i need more money for my room and supplies, so please send more.

Your Daughter

Arwen Hykova

Arwens Diaries: Beer good, hangovers bad

Entry Date: Sunday 28th October 2007

Dear Diary

I'm writing this entry now that the rooms stopped spinning.

This is the second weekend of college life, and its been full of parties.

On saturday we had a office themed party in the administration office .. We partied like it was friday afternoon and the boss was on vacation although I think the secreteries are going to be surprised when they find photocopies of my butt in their in-trays.

I think i drank too much though, because i ended up dancing in my lingerie with my new purple silk tuxedo lying in a corner of the room, which explains why i woke up on sunday morning with a cold and the shivers.

There was another party Tonight, it was the night that the fraternity and Sorority house new members got announced. To celebrate the Fraternity house threw a toga party, and all students from KSU were invited, including the tappas (thats me!)

Lots of beer, rum and laughter flowed at the party, and i found myself dancing on the top of a table with some sorority girls. I stayed until soon after the names of who had made it through were announced.

Apparantly i was flirting with one of the new professors at the college, although at least i remembered to wear underwear under my toga. I'm going to swear off drinking alcohol .. or at least until the next party.

The president of the Sorority house also announced that a dance team and cheerleading squad were being formed on campus and were soon going to be open for applications .. I think i'm going to join the dance squad, although hopefully it wont involve tables this time.

Tommorow night, my moms club opens its doors, The club name is Club Lust, and its the coolest club ever, before i turned eighteen i wasnt allowed to even see it, but i aim to attend tonights event though.

"I love to dance and i love to move
I love to swing and i love to groove."

Signing off, and getting some sleep
